Source code for motey.communication.api_routes.nodestatus

import psutil
from flask import jsonify
from flask.views import MethodView

[docs]class NodeStatus(MethodView): """ Give information about the current hardware usage of the node. This includes the cpu, memory and disk usage. """
[docs] def get(self): """ Returns the currant hardware usage of the node. :return: a json object with the current hardware usage of the node. """ memory = psutil.virtual_memory() disk = psutil.disk_usage('/') status = { 'cpu': self.get_average_cpu(), 'memory': { 'total':, 'available': memory.available, 'percent': memory.percent, 'used': memory.used, 'free':, }, 'disk': { 'total':, 'used': disk.used, 'free':, 'percent': disk.percent, } } return jsonify(status), 200
[docs] def get_average_cpu(self, loops=5): """ Helper method to get an average cpu usage. :param loops: the number of iterations to sum up the avarage cpu usage. :return: The avarage cpu usage as a float. """ cpu = 0 for x in range(loops): cpu += psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) return cpu / loops