Source code for motey.communication.apiserver

import threading

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_cors import CORS

from motey.communication.api_routes.capabilities import Capabilities
from motey.communication.api_routes.nodes import Nodes
from motey.communication.api_routes.nodestatus import NodeStatus
from motey.communication.api_routes.service import Service
from motey.utils.heartbeat import register_callback, register_heartbeat

[docs]class APIServer(object): """ Starts a Flask webserver which acts as an REST API to control the Motey service. The webserver runs in a separate thread and will not block the main thread. """ def __init__(self, logger, host='', port=5023): """ Constructor of the webserver. :param logger: the DI injected logger instance :param host: the hostname to listen on. Set this to ``''`` to have the server available externally as well. Defaults to ``''``. :param port: the port of the webserver. Defaults to ``5023``. """ = host self.port = port self.logger = logger self.webserver = Flask(__name__) CORS(self.webserver) self.configure_url() self.run_server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_server, args=()) self.run_server_thread.daemon = True
[docs] def start(self): """ Starts the execution thread. """ self.run_server_thread.start()
[docs] def run_server(self): """ Starts the server and add an info to the logs, that the webserver is started. """'Webserver started'), port=self.port, use_reloader=False)
[docs] def configure_url(self): """ Adds all the configured api endpoints. """ self.webserver.add_url_rule('/v1/capabilities', view_func=Capabilities.as_view('capabilities')) self.webserver.add_url_rule('/v1/nodestatus', view_func=NodeStatus.as_view('nodestatus')) self.webserver.add_url_rule('/v1/service', view_func=Service.as_view('service')) self.webserver.add_url_rule('/v1/nodes', view_func=Nodes.as_view('nodes')) register_callback(self.check_heartbeat) register_heartbeat(self.webserver)
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Checks if the webserver is still running. :return: True if the server is running, otherwise False. """ return request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') is not None
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the webserver and add an info the logs, that the webserver is stopped. """'Webserver stopped')
[docs] def check_heartbeat(self): """ Method to get the heartbeat. Checks if all the requirements for a healthy webserver are fulfilled. :return: True if the service is in a healthy state, otherwise False. """ return self.is_running()