Source code for motey.utils.heartbeat

from flask import Blueprint, abort

# Represents a ``Flask`` ``Blueprint```which adds an heartbeat REST API endpoint
heartbeat = Blueprint('heartbeat', __name__)

# List with all the registered callbacks for the heartbeat endpoint
callbacks = []

[docs]@heartbeat.route('/v1/heartbeat') def check_heartbeat(): """ The endpoint himself. Will be executed if the url is requested. :return: 204 - No Content, if the node is up and running and all the registered callbacks requirements are fulfilled, otherwise 400 - Bad Request. """ if not all(callback() for callback in callbacks): return abort(400) return '', 204
[docs]def register_callback(callback): """ Helper method to register a new callback. :param callback: callback to be added to the queue """ callbacks.append(callback)
[docs]def register_heartbeat(flask_app): """ Helper method to register the heartbeat to the ``Flask`` webserver. Does not works with other webservers. :param flask_app: the ``Flask`` instance. """ flask_app.register_blueprint(heartbeat)